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Home Insurance

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Home Insurance

house insurance

You work hard for your dollar and for most people their home purchase is one of the largest investments.  It is important to have financial protection of your home and its contents in case of a loss or disaster. A basic homeowners policy does just that.  

In most cases, it will be a package type of policy that includes the structure of your home, its contents, and liability coverage on your property.  

There are certain types of perils that may be excluded in your area and it is important to talk to your agent about these exclusions.  Some of them may be able to be added to the policy with a rider.  An example of these might be earthquake or flood.   

There are things to consider if you are deciding on purchasing home insurance and if it is important:  

  • If there is a fire or other disaster, could you withstand the cost to rebuild without insurance?  
  • Should you have a mortgage on your home – most lenders will require and adequate insurance policy 
  • Should there be a burglary to your home, the costs can be quite substantial and many people cannot recover from these types of losses without the help of an insurance policy.

There are certain things that most homeowners policies will cover, but it is important to review each of your policies so you understand them and ask any questions that you are unsure about.  Here are a couple things that you will want to have in mind when we are quoting you for a policy:   

  • Value of your home
  • Value of your contents
  • Any especially valuable items in your home (for example, some policies limit certain items like jewelry, paintings, and so on)  You may want an extra rider for these.
  • Some companies give discounts for home security or fire resistance.  Make sure to mention any protection you may have in or around your home.
  • Some companies will also give discounts for seniors.


The cost of a home insurance policy will depend on the basic policy, any additional riders, amount of deductible and value of coverage, along with any discounts as mentioned above. Your agent will review all of this information with you in order to match the best policy with your needs. 

In the case of a loss, it is important that you contact us as soon as possible and  your agent will obtain all the details and will guide you through the claims process.   

It is helpful to be a bit prepared in case of a loss by taking photos and videos of your belongings as well as making lists.  These can easily be emailed to yourself so that you would always have this in the event of a loss.

Call us today for a quote and we can go over all the details for your home insurance policy.


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